السبت، 13 يوليو 2013

Synthetic Drug 'Bath Salts' Trumps Methamphetamine In Addictiveness, Study Finds

The infamous drug bath salts, which rose to notoriety the last year, now has some even stronger evidence to its mighty addictiveness. A new study finds that the active ingredient in the drug trumps even the most addictive substances we know, namely methamphetamine. The study, using rats who became hooked on the bath salt compound MDPV (3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone) worked a lot – that is, a lot –harder to gain access to it than they did for the meth. They also acted out the stereotypic, repetitive behaviors that look a lot like the kinds of things people do when they’re high on the drugs. The trick, say the researchers who headed the study, is for them to stay ahead of the underground labs that develop the drugs, since they tend to evolve quickly to evade the laws that try, in varying degrees of success, to end them.
The team from Scripps Research Institute “taught” rats to get addicted to either MDPV or meth by simply allowing them to self-administer the compounds by pressing a lever to get the goods delivered intravenously. Rats are easily “addictable,” as humans are, so they make a good model system to study the behavioral and neurologic effects of these drugs. Here, the researchers could get an idea of how much the rats craved the drugs by extending the number of lever presses required to gain access. And what they found was pretty telling.

“When we increased how many lever presses a rat would have to emit to get an additional infusion of drug, we observed that rats emitted about 60 presses on average for a dose of METH but up to about 600 for MDPV—some rats would even emit 3,000 lever presses for a single hit of MDPV,” said study author Shawn M. Aarde. “If you consider these lever presses a measure of how much a rat will work to get a drug infusion, then these rats worked more than 10 times harder to get MDPV.”
The other telltale behavior the researchers saw in the rats, which was so similar to bath-salt-addicted humans, was massive stereotypy – the repetitive behaviors that don’t seem have any goal but continue regardless. “One stereotyped behavior that we often observed was a rat repeatedly licking the clear plastic walls of its operant chamber—a behavior that was sometimes uninterruptable,” said Aarde. “One could say MDPV turned some rats into ‘window lickers’ of a sort.” This kind of behavior, the authors point out, is similar to the “tooth-grinding and compulsive skin-picking” seen in people who are on bath salts or meth.
Bath salts are derived in the lab from cathinone, the active ingredient in khat, a plant from northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, which is often chewed for its psychostimulant effects. It’s also banned in the U.S., since cathinone is a Schedule 1 controlled substance. The drug easily crosses the blood-brain barrier, and elicits its neurologic effects by preventing removal of the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) from the synapse, which makes for a whole lot of feel-good chemicals laying around your brain for longer. The problem is, as always, that tolerance sets in, whereby you need more and more of the drug to have the same effect.
And, of course, the drugs brings along a host of negative symptoms, which include paranoia, increased activity, lack of sleep, reduced drive for food and water, violence, and suicide. Near irresistible cravings for more of the drug are the other result of taking them.
One of the major problems, among many, with synthetic drugs is the rapidity with which they can “evolve” or be reformulated, since they’re created in the lab. The trick for researchers is to stay a few steps ahead of the drug formulators by predicting the most likely future iterations of the compound. “We’d like the ability to predict, for example, which ones have the highest abuse potential, which are more likely to have long-term toxicity issues, and which carry high risks of acute lethal consequences,” said Taffe. Long term studies in animals are next on the team’s agenda. Unfortunately, adds Taffe, though they’re relatively new as recreational drugs go, “MDPV looks like it’s going to stick around as a recreational stimulant, because it is so potent.” We’ll see what becomes of these drugs, and how they, and their next generations, will evolve in the future.

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